Electrical & Electronics Engineering

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Electrical & Electronics Engineering


The motive of the Department of Electrical and ElectronicsEngineering has been to create technology and technologists for development and Sustainable Growth in Power, Drives, Control, Automation and Communication sectors leading to wealth and welfare of the human population. It aims at being accredited with a global status of imparting excellence in research and innovation.

Students are imparted with training in cutting-edge technologies through Seminars, Workshops, and Guest Lectures alongside Technical Symposiums/paper contests; and co-curricular and Extra-curricular events through the technical associations of the department. Strong mentoring by the faculty members to monitor student progression and personality development.

History of the Department

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was established in the year 2001 Department is equipped with well-qualified and dedicated faculty members to train students towards their holistic development.

Department Profile

Department provides students with learning mechanisms to develop Computing Electrical and Electronics Hardware. Students have facilitated libraries with the latest Titles, NPTEL Courseware, and Journals alongside High-Bandwidth internet to facilitate effective learning.

Our Vision & Mission

Our Vision

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Our Vision

Our primary vision is to be recognized as a trustworthy center of excellence capable of producing top class electrical engineers who are able to contribute optimally to the growing industry whilst maintaining solid social responsibility as well..


Our Goal

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Our Goal

  • Adapt to evolving technology.
  • Provide optimal solutions to real time problems.
  • Demonstrate his/her abilities to support service activities with due consideration for Professional and Ethical Values.

Our Mission

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Our Mission

  • To offer quality education in Electrical and Electronics Engineering are prepare the Students for professional career and higher studies.
  • To promote excellence in teaching, research, consultancy activities and positive contribution to the society.
  • To equip students with effective communication skills and leadership qualities to render  their duties with high ethical values.

Department Library

Department Library offers a  variety of books related to Electrical and electronics and Basic Science subjects . Reference books of various subjects are procured. Various Competitive Books are available to satisfy the thirst of the students. Books are issued to students and staff. Students can access the Library facility according to their convenience any time round-the-clock.

Our Students Placed Companies

Department Activities

Department Events

Thirumalai Engineering College

Anna University Counselling Code : 1517

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