Electronics & Communication Engineering

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Electronics & Communication Engineering


The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was established in the year 2005. Electronics and Communication Engineering is a branch of engineering that is rapidly advancing field, with new ideas emerging every day, from mobile phones to remote sensing, there are exciting avenues to explore. With technology becoming all-pervasive in everyday life, opportunities for electronic engineers are plenty.

The post-graduate programme M.E (VLSI Design) was started in the year 2014 and has an intake of 24 students . The department of Electronics & Communication Engineering has faculty members with a blend of youth and experience. The department has qualified and accomplished doctorates in various domains of Electronics and Communication. Faculty members of this department have considerable academic, industrial and research experience. The department has specialists in the fields of Electronics, Communication Systems, VLSI Design, Wireless, and Mobile Communication, Medical Electronics, and various other fields.

The department is well known for imparting a strong theoretical and practical foundation in the subject. It has well-equipped state of art laboratories. Various Innovative teaching-learning processes and regular assignments are used to instil in the student a thorough grasp of the fundamentals. With the support of faculty, students are familiarized with cutting-edge research and industrial requirements. Besides strong academic inputs, the students are encouraged to do mini projects and gain hands-on experience with the hardware and software tools.


The department of Electronics & Communication Engineering has faculty members with a blend of youth and experience. All the faculty members of the department are postgraduates. The department has qualified and accomplished doctorates in various domains of Electronics and Communication. Faculty members of this department have considerable academic, industrial and research experience. The department has specialists in the fields of Electronics, Communication Systems, VLSI Design, Wireless, and Mobile Communication, Medical Electronics and various other fields.

The department is well known for imparting a strong theoretical and practical foundation in the subject. It has well-equipped state of art laboratories. Various Innovative teaching-learning processes and regular assignments are used to instill in the student a thorough grasp of the fundamentals. With the support of faculty, students are familiarized with cutting-edge research and industrial requirements. Besides strong academic inputs, the students are encouraged to do mini projects and gain hands-on experience with the hardware and software tools.

The department understands the needs of the industry and strives to produce quality engineers with a professional orientation. The ambition of the department is to provide quality education and up-to-date information to the students so that they find a place in the fast-changing industry.

Professional bodies enrich the quality of professional education. Department of ECE is closely associated with the IEEE Madras Section and IETE Chennai Centre in conducting workshops, seminars, and conferences which provide the forum for the students to be a participant, organizer and a resource person.


Our Vision & Mission

Our Vision

Electronics & Communication Engineering

Our Vision

To become a center of excellence of global significance in Electronics and Communication engineering and producing competent professionals committed to nation-building.

Our Mission

Electronics & Communication Engineering

Our Mission

Impart sound knowledge of Electronics and communication through innovative teaching-learning process

Establish laboratories equipped with modern state of art technology resources to facilitate research and consultancy

Short Term Goal

  • Encouraging faculty members to do Ph.D. programs.
  • Organizing conferences and seminars.
  • Crafting a research center to facilitate the faculty members to pursue their higher studies leading to doctoral degrees.
  • To continue to organize annual student-level seminars/paper presentations/project exhibitions for the benefit of the students at large.
  • To get sponsorship from organizations for students and faculty projects.

Long Term Goal

  • To achieve 100% results & Placements for the students.
  • To improve the infrastructure for enhancing R&D activities.
  • To establish a product development center.
  • To undertake Research and Development works in leading technologies by forging alliances with various research organizations and industries.

Department Library

The Department Library occupies a unique place in the academic and research activities of the Department.

It is perhaps the most important central facility provided by the Institute. The Library maintains an excellent collection of data books, occasional papers, and other documents/materials. The Library has a well-equipped facility for reading to meet the informational needs and intellectual pursuit of the Department. In consultation with the head of the department, will design and co-ordinate the rules, regulations, and functioning of the department library.  

Number of Books


Department Books



Complementary copy’s


Number of Books


Total Number of Project reports




Mini Projects




Number of CDs




Number of Journals



Gate Material




Question Bank



Mile Stones



Electronics Laboratory provides lot of opportunity to the students to study different types of electronic devices like Diodes, BJT, JFET, MOSFET, SCR. etc. Students are able to understand the characteristics of various electronic devices which help them to do innovative projects. Realtime implementation of half wave and full wave rectifiers, Design and frequency analysis of single stage and multistage Amplifiers, Design and implementation of Darlington amplifier and Differential amplifier, Feedback amplifiers etc., can be implemented. This laboratory is also equipped with simulation software’s like PSPICE, MULTISIM etc. Students are grouped into small teams and guided to do their mini projects.


The objective of this VLSI laboratory is to teach the details of Digital and Analogue IC Design and Manufacturing Process to the undergraduate as well as postgraduate students. The VLSI laboratory is well equipped with 30 high end PCs with various licensed software and 10 Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA boards for students. Both B.E & M.E students utilize this laboratory for their project work as well. The students use Programming Languages like VHDL, Verilog HDL etc., to do their course work and project work.


DSP laboratory plays a vital role in understanding of various signal processing techniques and algorithms. Students are encouraged to develop algorithms and implement it in both MATLAB and DSP processors. This laboratory is also used by both UG and PG students. In addition to above, this laboratory also facilitates students who want to do minor and major projects in the area of signal processing.


Student understanding of fundamental networking concepts and increase enthusiasm for experimentation with complex technology. Able to understand systems view of networking starting with individual links, then routers, and finally the entire network. Able to configure different network scenarios. Measure simple statistics to track functionality and performance. Exercises can be constructed to provide a good learning experience through a structured exposure to networking concepts using multiple perspectives.


This laboratory provides facilities for the use of 8/16 bit microprocessors/microcontrollers and their interfacing for different applications, using hardware and software concepts to meet industry standards. Students learn about assembly language programming, CPU, memory and I/O design, interfacing of programmable chips and peripherals such as stepper motors, Analog-to-digital and digital-to-Analog converters and various sensors. They acquire the practical skills sufficient to design and realize advanced processor like PIC and ARM.


This laboratory helps the students understand the basics of Microwave Engineering Concepts and gives a detailed description of the working principle of microwave components. Students are able to understand the basic working principle of different radars, antennas, Fibre optics communication, LASER diode principles and Television working principles.


This lab helps the students to understand the basics of integrated circuits and the characteristics of operational amplifiers. In this laboratory students get a very good exposure to the use of operational amplifiers for the design of both linear and non-linear applications. Linear integrated circuit laboratory is equipped with equipment’s such as Digital Multimeter, Digital IC Testers, Analog IC Tester, Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes (CRO), Single and dual power supplies, Function generators, Linear IC trainer kits, Analog to Digital converters (ADCs) and Digital to Analog converters (DACs) etc.


This lab takes care of the understanding of the design of various digital electronics circuit components and implementations taught at the undergraduate level. The lab is well equipped with the latest signal generators, oscilloscopes, digital trainer kits, and measuring instruments. Students of various branches design and test their Analog/digital/mixed signals, digital circuits as part of their curriculum. Guidance is provided to the students by a team of expert faculty and lab technicians.


The curriculum was designed by experts chosen from researchers, industrialists, and academicians, to meet today’s demands of the Industry as well as Research Groups. The syllabus is focusing on various areas like Real-Time Systems, RTOS, Wireless and Embedded Networking, etc. The available software packages include Modelsim, Keil software for the ARM processor, C Compiler, RTOS, and target boards.


Students are made familiar with electronic circuits and their intended use in various applications. This Laboratory is primarily aimed to meet the requirements of practical work meant for Active Components basic analysis, designing and testing of Amplifier and Oscillators etc. All basic Electronic devices and their characteristics, applications can be studied. Using these devices, the small electronic circuits can be constructed and analysed their performance in this laboratory.



  • Faculty members have published a total of 15 papers of which, 9 are of international Journals, 6 national and 25 National conference papers, 15 indexed Journals.
  • Our department has conducted one day workshop entitled as “  IOT workshop”
  • Recognized by the All India Council for Technical Education AICTE
  • Adopted Outcome-Based Education (OBE)
  • Highly qualified and experienced Faculty with subject expertise
  • Facilitates compulsory Internship for students in reputed firms
  • Comprehensive Curriculum Design – inclusive of internships, mini-projects, Soft skills and aptitude training, industrial visits, and disruptive technology like AI, IoT, Machine Learning, etc.
  • Strong alumni network to improve Industry Institute Interaction
  • Project exhibitions to demonstrate students’ research & innovation in the areas of IoT, Big data and Cloud computing

Our Students Placed Companies

Department Activities

Department Events

Thirumalai Engineering College

Anna University Counselling Code : 1517

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